Sewer lines are among the widely used parts of the home, which explains why it is no stranger to problems. And when these lines become damaged, it can result in a catastrophe that ruins your property's foundation and contaminates the water.
The good news is that some signs will tell you it is high time for a sewer cleaning or repair. Hence, you can prevent the problem before it worsens. Read on to know the signs of a damaged sewer line.
1. Slow-draining water
Our homes have access to the main water line that supplies fresh, clean water. It is usually separated from the sewer line, which brings wastewater to the septic tank.
Once you notice that the water is not coming out from the shower even with sufficient pressure and the sink drains more slowly than usual, it may indicate a sewer line issue. In this case, use a plunger and try to unclog the drain.
If the wastewater still drains slowly, something may be blocking the sewer line. To fix this, call an experienced plumber, and schedule an interior plumbing and drainage repair.
2. An odd sulfuric smell
Is there an awful sulfuric smell in your house? Relax; it doesn't mean your house is infested by evil spirits. It may be coming from the leaking sewer line, not the septic tank.
Call a plumber and not an exorcist to get rid of the smell.
3. Mold growth
Another sign of sewer line damage is mold growth along your home's walls or the components of your safety glass installation. Molds may grow along the water trail marks created by leaks on the sewer line near the walls and ceiling.
To get rid of the molds and fix any leaking sewer lines, call a professional plumber. Do not do it on your own, as it can risk your health.
4. Bubbling water in the toilet
Does your toilet bubble back every time you flush? Then it is another sign that your sewer line is clogged. Toilet paper may have built up in the sewer line, obstructing the entire sewage system.
This can be a serious issue, so have it fixed by a professional plumber.
5. Gurgling sounds
If your toilet or sink produces strange gurgling noises whenever you flush or pour water, your sewer system may be problematic. These noises may happen for varying reasons, and one is that your sewage line may have collapsed.
With the help of an experienced plumber, your problem with the toilet or sink can be fixed. Any other plumbing issues may also be resolved right away.
6. Soggy yard
Another noticeable sign that your sewer line is broken is a soggy and soaked yard. This can happen, particularly when there is a damaged sewer line next to a tree root or plant, and you are pretty certain that your patio misting system is working. The soil may have absorbed the excess water coming from the leaking sewer lines, causing your yard to become soggy.
At times, you can't always tell if your yard is soaked and wet until you notice strange puddles.
7. Pest infestation
Pest infestation is another warning sign to look out for. Pests can be cockroaches, rats, and flies. If you find any of these creatures and are certain the entry points are sealed, they may have gained access through a damaged sewer line.
Fix Plumbing Issues Right Away!
Should you discover any problems with your sewage line, do not hesitate to seek professional help. Fixing things on your own can only do more harm than good, especially if you are not equipped with the right tools, knowledge, and materials. A professional plumber can create a plumbing strategy to fix your sewer line before it becomes more serious.
About the author
Merrie is a Marketing Manager for the Rooter Ranger brand. Her focus is on results driven strategic marketing efforts that deliver sales and profit growth. In her spare time she enjoys the outdoors and traveling the world.